“Why are Greenberg’s findings in 1963 so important even for today’s generative grammar?”

This is my homework essay. The essay below is a good introductory text for beginners of generative grammar.

You can learn a lot about generative grammar from Andrew Radford’s books.

In my opinion, Analysing English Sentences (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics), published in 2016, is the best of all.

An Introduction to English Sentence Structure, published in 2020, is abbreviated version of Radford (2016). For those who like simpler stuffs, this book is the thing to buy.

Ian Roberts has also written good text books. Especially, Diachronic Syntax. 2nd edition (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics), which was published in 2022, is great. The main body of this book deals with parameter shifts. I did not talk about parameter shift in my essay avobe. However, you can find some hints. Before 17th century, the English language allowed V to T movement. On the other hand, present day English does not allow V to T movement. According to Roberts, the English language has changed its parameters. This phenomenon is called parameter shift.

The final chapter of this book deals with creoles and language creations. Language creations have been reported occasionally. This is supporting evidence for language acquisition device put forward by Noam Chomaky.

カテゴリー: thesis

作成者: hiroaki

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