Explaining Generative Grammar.

The above article is an introductory explanation of generative grammar. Anyone can download the PDF file for free. For those who are interested in syntax in general, I made a list of good books for syntax.

further reading

Text books written by Andrew radford are highly recommendable.

Radford, A. (2016) Analyzing English Sentences. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ This is up to date and easy to understand. However, this textbook lacks VP Internal Subject Hypothesis, agreement etc.]

Radford, A. (2009) Analyzing English Sentence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ This textbook is for those who wants to syntax seriously. This textbook deals with theta-role assignments, VP Internal Subject Hypothesis, Raising, Split CPs and phase theories. This book is pretty interesting but the topics seem to be too difficult for casual readers.]

Radford, A. (1988) Transformational Grammar – A First course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ This is a masterpiece for begginers. This book is interesting and easy to understand. This book has attracted me to generative gremmar. (At thet time, generative grammar is called ‘transformational grammr.) About half of what is written on this book is used even by today’sgenerative grammarians.]

Chomsky, N. (1995) The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [This is our startline. This book is a mine of insightful idea. Chapters 1-3 are relatively easy. However, Cahter 4, which is the most important out of the 4 chapters, is extremely difficult. You should read some introductory textbook before you tackle The Minimalist Program. ]

Keep in mind that The Minimalist Program has 20th anniversary edition. The 20th anniversary edition has a new preface by the author (meaning Noam Chomsky). My minimalist Program is the original edition, so I cannot read the new preface. I want to read the new preface.

For those who would like to read about language changes and how we generative grammarians deal with these changes, books and articles written by Ian Roberts, who is a linguistic professer in the University of Cambridge, are highely recommended.

Roberts, I. (2007) Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [This textbook is a little bit old but has a mine of information. However, a novice fro generative grammar should consult other introductory textbooks before reading Roberts’s books. His books are for those who are familiar with generative approaches.]

Roberts, I. (2021) Diachronic Syntax. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [This textbook is amazing. the author has improved his theories and collected a ton of data. The data itself is convincing. He also analyzed the data quite correctly. The last chapter of this book is very interesting. Creoles and language creation cases are convincing supports for generative grammarians’ claim that we have language facluties.]


Andrew Radford は生成文法の教科書作りの名手である。彼が書いた教科書は基本的に名著ばかりである。

Andrea Radfordは、ここ20年くらい教科書を2段構えで出版することが多い。まず、詳し目で分厚い教科書を1冊書出版し、続いて、それの縮約版を出版するという流れだ。



まず一番に勧めたいのが最新版の教科書Radford, A. (2016) Analyzing English Sentences. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. だ。



そこで、初版であるRadford, A. (2009) Analyzing English Sentence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. を紹介しよう。

この本では、第2版(Radford 2016)で省略されていることをかなり詳しく解説している。まるでRadford(2009)とRadford (2016)が相互補完になっているようである。

Radfordの初期の名作を挙げるなら、迷わず Radford, A. (1988) Transformational Grammar – A First course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. を選ぶ。



ちなみに、 Radford (1988)は、生成文法界隈で、「非常によく売れた本」として有名である。それだけ素晴らしい本だということだ。





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